Diploma Schedule

Module 3
Team Training

Team Training Objective

Module 3 introduces to the student the importance of trading as a team but with their own risk appetite and trading style. To implement this training the student will now put into practice all that has been learned in Module 1 & 2. Team Training has been designed to allow Student traders time to iron out and fine-tune all trading skills in a collaborative ‘team’ environment. The team approach will take the pressure off traders to come up with trade ideas and allow them to explore and learn various methods of analysis and execution. Student Traders will be assigned to a team led by an experienced mentor. The mentor will conduct both weekly group meetings and weekly individual trader meetings, traders will be required to participate by providing potential trade setups, and actively participating in the webinars.


In any industry teamwork is key to the success of any business. A teams objective is to implement the business goals of a company using team members that have the skill sets to achieve those goals and the combined effort to excel in achieving those goals. It is no different in trading for a fund. The fund will have a strategy for the fund and the trading team will be responsible for implementing that strategy to its best ability. Each trader will have the core methodology to trade the forex market and will have their own risk appetite that will contribute to the team objectives. This differs widely from the Retail Forex Trader who traditionally trades by themselves.

It is important to grasp the importance of teamwork and this training is a lead in to the daily online meetings that will be held when you trade for a fund.

Delivery & Assessment

Student Traders will be provided with a $100K Practical Assessment trading account which they will use to test trading strategies, execution and implement team trade plans. All student traders accounts will be linked to MyFxBook and visible to all other traders in the program. Any breaches of the rules will result in your trading account being reset to the starting balance. There is no reset fee in the program. Student Traders will be expected to maintain a trade journal – including trade ideas, setups, strategies before and after results.

Weekly Team Meetings

The purpose of the Weekly Team meeting is to provide a sounding board for traders to discuss topics they either don’t understand or are having issues with and allow collaboration on market analysis. The small group discussions will ensure no traders get left behind in the development program. Attendance at weekly team meetings is expected.

The weekly team meeting will be divided into two parts:

Part 1 – Mentor Presentation

  • In the first part (15-20 mins) of the team meeting, the mentor will run through the previous weeks key events and results as well as look at potential opportunities for the week ahead.

Part 2 – Student Participation

  • Students will be asked to participate by presenting their own trade ideas and potential upcoming opportunities.
  • There will also be time for students to raise any issues or problems they may have.

Weekly Individual Trader Reviews

The purpose of the weekly trader reviews is to provide positive feedback on trading activities and overall performance by reviewing the traders ‘MyFxBook’ trade statistics. This is a key component of the student trader’s development and improvement. We will be analyzing all aspects of the trader’s performance including profitability, traded pairs, performance on various pairs, average holding time, the risk to reward ratio to name but a few. The student trader is expected to provide details of their trading activities by way of their trade journal including why, when and how they traded and the overall result. Through the Team Training process student traders will understand what it means to be part of a trading team and get used to speaking in front of their peers.

Team Trading Targets

Winnings Days ≥50%

Win Ratio ≥65%

Sharpe Ratio ≥1.0

ROMAD (Risk over Maximum Drawdown) ≥3.0

Minimum Volume Transacted – 50 Lots (full round turn)


A leaderboard will be in force for each Mentor team. Each Team will come up with a team name. The leaderboard will display the overall combined account performance, replicating the whole fund. It will show the performance of each Mentor Group and will also display the individuals’ performance.


Team Training is a key module of the Diploma in Professional Forex Trading. The next module of development builds upon the teamwork skillset but now concentrates on the individual student characteristics and risk appetite to improve personal trading performance and to provide overall training feedback.

One On One Training

One On One Training Objective

After Module 3 students will now receive One On One scheduled meetings. Students will continue to trade in their respective teams, however they will focus on improving their individual trading performance, and will be provided with Trade Plans and Performance Targets. This will lead to enhanced team performance and overall fund performance. They will build on their existing trading account.

Delivery & Assessment

Student Traders will continue to trade their $100K Practical Assessment trading account which they will use to test trading strategies, execution and implement team trade plans. All student traders accounts will be linked to MyFxBook and visible to all other traders in the program. Any breaches of the rules will result in your trading account being reset to the starting balance. There is no reset fee in the program. Student Traders will be expected to maintain a trade journal – including trade ideas, setups, strategies before and after results.

Weekly Team Meetings

The purpose of the Weekly Team meeting is to provide a sounding board for traders to discuss topics they either don’t understand or are having issues with and allow collaboration on market analysis. The small group discussions will ensure no traders get left behind in the development program. Attendance at weekly team meetings is expected.

The weekly team meeting will be divided into two parts:

Part 1 – Mentor Presentation

  • In the first part (15-20 mins) of the team meeting, the mentor will run through the previous weeks key events and results as well as look at potential opportunities for the week ahead.

Part 2 – Student Participation

  • Students will be expected to participate by presenting their own trade ideas and potential upcoming opportunities.
  • There will also be time for students to raise any issues or problems they may have.

Weekly One On One Online Meetings

Weekly Individual trader analysis – our team analyses your performance: risk management, trade execution, and trade selection.

Additional mentoring from senior traders will continue throughout this 2-month period. Student Traders will be expected to adhere to the T4T Rules of Engagement. Drawdowns in excess of 10% will require a complete reset of the account and further training in this module will be required.


The leaderboard will continue from Module 3 and improvements in individual trading performance will be visible to all student traders.

Trading Live Accounts

Student Traders will now be provided with a fully funded Live T4TCapital USD$100,000 account to trade and will sign a trading agreement and will benefit from the profit share agreement with T4T.

Weekly Meetings

Student Traders will be hosting Weekly Team Meetings – reviewing trades and upcoming opportunities.

Individual Weekly Meetings

Weekly Individual trader analysis – our mentor team analyses your performance. Risk management, trade execution, and trade selection.

Tuition Rebate Scheme

Module 5 makes the student eligible for the 100% Tuition rebate scheme. All tuition fees including travel and accommodation costs for the Workshop are included. The first profits made within this stage up to the agreed amount will be reimbursed at a rate of 100%. Once the amount has been returned the student will then continue trading using the Profit Share Schedule.